

A circular pattern on a 3D model.

patternCircular3d(data: CircularPattern3dData, extrude_group: ExtrudeGroup) -> [ExtrudeGroup]


const part = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
  |> line([0, 1], %)
  |> line([1, 0], %)
  |> line([0, -1], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> extrude(1, %)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [1, 1, 0],
       center: [10, 0, 10],
       repetitions: 10,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

Rendered example of patternCircular3d 0


  • data: CircularPattern3dData - Data for a circular pattern on a 3D model. (REQUIRED)
	// The arc angle (in degrees) to place the repetitions. Must be greater than 0.
	arcDegrees: number,
	// The axis around which to make the pattern. This is a 3D vector.
	axis: [number, number, number],
	// The center about which to make the pattern. This is a 3D vector.
	center: [number, number, number],
	// The number of repetitions. Must be greater than 0. This excludes the original entity. For example, if `repetitions` is 1, the original entity will be copied once.
	repetitions: number,
	// Whether or not to rotate the duplicates as they are copied.
	rotateDuplicates: string,
  • extrude_group: ExtrudeGroup - An extrude group is a collection of extrude surfaces. (REQUIRED)
	// The id of the extrusion end cap
	endCapId: uuid,
	// The height of the extrude group.
	height: number,
	// The id of the extrude group.
	id: uuid,
	// The position of the extrude group.
	position: [number, number, number],
	// The rotation of the extrude group.
	rotation: [number, number, number, number],
	// The sketch group paths.
	sketchGroupValues: [{
	// The from point.
	from: [number, number],
	// The name of the path.
	name: string,
	// The to point.
	to: [number, number],
	type: "ToPoint",
} |
	// arc's direction
	ccw: string,
	// the arc's center
	center: [number, number],
	// The from point.
	from: [number, number],
	// The name of the path.
	name: string,
	// The to point.
	to: [number, number],
	type: "TangentialArcTo",
} |
	// The from point.
	from: [number, number],
	// The name of the path.
	name: string,
	// The to point.
	to: [number, number],
	type: "TangentialArc",
} |
	// The from point.
	from: [number, number],
	// The name of the path.
	name: string,
	// The to point.
	to: [number, number],
	type: "Horizontal",
	// The x coordinate.
	x: number,
} |
	// The from point.
	from: [number, number],
	// The name of the path.
	name: string,
	// The to point.
	to: [number, number],
	type: "AngledLineTo",
	// The x coordinate.
	x: number,
	// The y coordinate.
	y: number,
} |
	// The from point.
	from: [number, number],
	// The name of the path.
	name: string,
	// The to point.
	to: [number, number],
	type: "Base",
	// The id of the extrusion start cap
	startCapId: uuid,
	// The extrude surfaces.
	value: [{
	// The face id for the extrude plane.
	faceId: uuid,
	// The id of the geometry.
	id: uuid,
	// The name.
	name: string,
	// The position.
	position: [number, number, number],
	// The rotation.
	rotation: [number, number, number, number],
	// The source range.
	sourceRange: [number, number],
	type: "extrudePlane",
} |
	// The face id for the extrude plane.
	faceId: uuid,
	// The id of the geometry.
	id: uuid,
	// The name.
	name: string,
	// The position.
	position: [number, number, number],
	// The rotation.
	rotation: [number, number, number, number],
	// The source range.
	sourceRange: [number, number],
	type: "extrudeArc",
	// The x-axis of the extrude group base plane in the 3D space
	xAxis: {
	x: number,
	y: number,
	z: number,
	// The y-axis of the extrude group base plane in the 3D space
	yAxis: {
	x: number,
	y: number,
	z: number,
	// The z-axis of the extrude group base plane in the 3D space
	zAxis: {
	x: number,
	y: number,
	z: number,

